The Joys Of Reading For Pleasure
Children should learn that reading is pleasure, not just something that teachers make you do in school. - Beverly Cleary
I love reading.
I’m very lucky. My parents were readers throughout their lives. They passed that onto me and I’ve passed it down to my daughter who is currently passing it onto her daughter. When Fiona was little I’d read her 2 books every night before bed. As time went on, I would read one story and she would read one. As an adult she reads all the time. Her daughter, Luna, gets two books before bed every night, soon enough she’ll be reading by herself.
My parents always had books in the house and actively read them. Going to the library was a big deal and we all had library cards at a young age. Spending time in the kids section and bringing home a stack of books is a very happy memory.
I had a fifth grade teacher who felt reading was really important. We had to keep a reading list in class and read at least a book a week. We’d sometimes have to write a report on what we had read.
I was such a nerd that I formed a book club in the fifth grade with a few other kids. We would meet on Saturdays to talk about books. Did I mention I was in the FIFTH GRADE!
At some point I decided I was going to read every book on the Newbery Award winners list. I didn’t read them all but I read a lot of them.
I always got tripped up by The Story Of Mankind, which received the first award in 1922 and was like a thousand pages long. I checked it out multiple times but could never get through it.
I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book. - Groucho Marx
Growing up we had a black and white tv. There were only four channels and our reception was lousy. Most evenings we just read because it was such a hassle trying to get a decent signal on our television. We had this great big stuffed green chair in the corner of the living room with it’s own lamp next to it. I spent many evenings curled up in that chair caught up in some book. Another happy memory.
My two favorite reading chairs are in my living room.
My parents finally bought a color television when I went off to college in the 1970’s, and I have no idea when they got cable. I would still rather read a book than watch television.
One of my five bookcases at home
The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go. - Dr. Seuss
We never had a lot of money growing up and I remember very few family vacations where we actually went somewhere. Most of the time we stayed home and my parents worked on the house or the yard.
Through books I was able to travel the world, visit various time periods, and learn about other countries and cultures. As an adult I have travelled a lot and I believe my love of travel comes from all of those books I read as a kid.
Never trust anyone who has not brought a book with them. - Lemony Snicket
Reading Stephen King’s book on writing he states that he takes a book with him everywhere. As he says, there are so many opportunities during the day to read a bit. Standing in line, waiting for friends, or if you have a medical appointment.
I always have a book or a notebook with me, especially at medical appointments. I bring a book if I’m meeting someone for coffee or a glass of wine. I make it a habit to have a book with me at all times. That way if I have to wait I have something to do. Having a book keeps me from getting frustrated if someone is running late.
I see people scrolling on their phones. Personally I don’t find scrolling all that enjoyable, it feels passive and a time waster to me. Some people get anxious when they’re scrolling and often don’t remember what they’ve looked at. When I’m reading a book, the content sticks with me.
You know you’ve read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend. - Paul Sweeney
I’ve read so many books that I didn’t want to end. When I spend time with characters and learn their stories, partake in their adventures, or just spend quiet time with them, that stays with me. The characters become my friends. I vividly remember so many books that I’ve read over the years that I didn’t want to end.
Don’t spend time waving signs or carrying petitions around the neighborhood. Instead, run, don’t walk, to the nearest non-school library or the local bookstore and get whatever it was that they banned.
Read whatever they’re trying to keep out of your eyes and your brain, because that’s exactly what you need to know. – Stephen King
I don’t understand the whole practice of banning books. Every time someone tells us we shouldn’t do, or read something, what are we gonna do? You’re damn right, we’re going to do it. It’s how most of us are wired.
My parents were always aware of what I was reading and they never seemed to have a problem with any of it. I think they were just happy I was reading.
I have friends whose parents wouldn’t allow them to read certain types of books. Science fiction was one of those genres. So what did the kids read the first chance they got? Science fiction. Or any other book that they were told to stay away from.
I have read a lot of the books that have either been banned or people have tried to ban. Nothing I have ever read has caused lasting damage to myself or those around me.
I hate people telling others what they can and cannot read. As a parent I knew what my daughter was reading, what music she was listening to, and what films and television shows she was watching. If there was something I was concerned about, she and I discussed it. That’s part of being a parent! Knowing what your kids are up to.
Our challenge should be to encourage kids (and adults) to read for pleasure. Who knows, they might enjoy it. While our kids are in school we need to give them the tools they need to decide for themselves what is appropriate to read.
I think when people stop actively reading they stop learning. One of the greatest joys in my life is to continue to learn. And I can honestly say that when I was a kid reading everything I could get my hands on I never imagined that I would eventually become a writer, a storyteller.
Open a book today and go off on a marvelous adventure.
Thanks for reading. Have a great week.
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