Big Companies & Independents

We live in a world where a few big companies or individuals control so much of what we see, hear, and buy. Often they’re the ones that are making the money off our work. Not the artists. I don’t care if you’re an author, filmmaker, musician, painter, sculptor, or whatever. We need to take control of how our work is seen and we need to be the ones who profit from it.

I am tired of getting statements from Amazon, Audible, or iTunes, for pennies. Yes I have received statements from Amazon that said I earned a single penny for the month. What the fuck do I have on Amazon that would sell and my percentage would be one cent? That’s bullshit!

Fuck Jeff Bezos

Years ago I was inspired by the Punk DIY movement. I have always independently made and distributed my films and I do the same thing with my books.

I promise I will never build a rocket ship and go almost into space (you’re not fooling anyone Bezos…), or buy things like social media companies so I can block anyone who disagrees with me.

As Artists it’s time we take back control of our work so that the proceeds can benefit us, our families, and our communities.

Please Support Independent Artists and Buy Local whenever possible.

Here is a link to Birthday Boy ( from my most recent collection of short stories, Dennis Barton Is A Bastard And Other Stories

I hope you will help me promote my work as well. Please tell your friends. Share my posts and website on your social media accounts.

Thank you. I hope you enjoy Birthday Boy

Sincerely, Kelley

Originally posted April 26, 2022


Re-Post - Jeff Bezos Doesn't Need Your Money


Them & Creature From The Black Lagoon